Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

This was the very first year I had to work. When I used to work for my old company, since it was a financial company, we were always closed whenever the banks were closed. However, since I now work for a place that opens 24 hours, I was there. I left around 2 p.m. so that I can get to my mother in law's house by 3. I got to spend time with my in laws, including my brother in law, who had to work at 4. I stayed there for about 40 minutes only since I had to go home to walk my boys. I got home around 4 in the afternoon and took the boys to Fort Funston. Then, we got home around 530. I took a shower and got ready to go to my aunt's. Stayed at my aunt's for a few hours and then picked up Mr. JB at his mama's house. Then off we went home.

This year, I am thankful for a lot of things:

* I am thankful that I have a wonderful family who is very supportive -- they have been there for me whenever I needed them. They were there to listen to me vent, to cook for me when I was craving some food, etc. I know I have done something right in my past life to be blessed with my family and Mr. JB.

* I am thankful for my wonderful kids. They bring joy to us and no matter how bad I feel, thinking about them always bring me happiness.

* I am thankful to feel healthier. Last year, I was starting to lose weight. Now, with the help of some meds, I feel better. I am more plumpier than I was last year but I'd rather be plumpy than to feel weak. Everyone was really worried when I was looking thin. =)

* I am thankful to have a job. It is true that there are times where I want to just say screw it and quit. But I am still thankful to have a pay check every two weeks.

Now, we are looking forward to spending the rest of our holidays with our family.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

What I want for Christmas is ....

What I want for Christmas is... Well, there are a lot of things I want for this Christmas but I know that I should limit my spendings cuz we just got us a new camera and a new netbook. Mr. JB got himself a kindle. So, we are spent out on ourselves. We need to spend the money on our loved ones. But just in case our loved ones are reading, here is a list of what we want. (Well, more me than him.)

* a heater
* a dyson handhelf vaccum
* a coverlet for our queen size bed (bed bath and beyond)
* for Mr. JB, he needs a kindle cover his kindle dx =)
* an ipod speaker with a clock and a fm transmitter
* a SD card
* a camera case for my canon camera

Monday, November 15, 2010

a few updates

Mr. JB and I went to Hawaii to celebrate our ONE year anniversary in August for one week. Then we went to Philippines for two weeks in October. We had a blast on both of the trips. We left the boys with Nick, our "baby"sitter. When we were in Hawaii, I texted Nick almost everyday to see how the boys were doing. Of course, things were quiet when we wen tto PI since we didn't have internet assess easily as we did in Hawaii.

Anyhoo, I just got my eyes examed and it is official. I am getting OLD!!! I now have a prescription and no longer 20/20. =( I can choose to wear glasses or not. Since my insurance covers about $115 for frames, and I have a hard time finding sunglasses, I chose to have the insurance cover the sunglasses instead. In case you were wondering, I have nice chubby cheeks and I have a hard time finding glasses that would fit me perfectly. The sunglasses I had would rest on my cheeks instead of on my nose. So, the sunglasses would leave a red mark, especially on my left cheek. SUCK cuz there are a lot of sunglasses I would LOVE to buy. The last sunglasses I bought before purchasing them from the eye doctor was from costco. They were really nice and seriously speaking, I had to take it off after 10 minutes of wearing it cuz they were rubbing on my cheeks too much. Annoying. I will return to Costco to see if I can buy a prescription glasses for cheap. I want to have it just in case I need it in the future.

I am also trying to cut back on my prednisone. I was on 15 mg and now I am trying to be on 12.5 mg. Hopefully it'd be okay. Besides that, everything else is the same...

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Have you seen Twilight? If you are like me, you're probably thinking that it is a teenager movie and that you don't care to watch it. Well, that's what I thought. Then, I went on Netflix and decided to add the Twilight and Twilight: New Moon because I wanted to see what the hype was all about.

Let me just tell you that I am in love. After the first movie, I was in love with Edward. Then, I fell in love with Jacob. I know. I am such a teenager. The love Edward and Jacob had for Bella. Sigh. Oh, and their bodies. Well, I must say I like Jacob's physical features better than Edward's since Edward is too damn pale. Jacob had a nicer physique and the little innocent looking

Of course, Mr. JB thought Bella was a hussie for loving two guys. =P

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

What do you do when you have nothing much to do.... bake, of course!

Okay, let me back up. Since beginning of July, I've been having a bit of a hard time at work. Then, I called my rheumatologist to see if she can squeeze me in to see me since I have not seen her since May. (Did I tell you that i had to miss my appt that was scheduled in June because someone did not show up and I had to be on the floor? OH yeah. I put my health on hold, to help work out. Typical behavior they expect. -- rolling my eyes.) She saw me and she said I should rest since she doesn't want me to have a painful episode like I did back in May. I said, okay.

So, what have I been up to?

August 5th: went to rheumatologist; blood work
August 6th: went to see pulmonologist; pulmonary function test
August 7th: our anniversary dinner at Gary Danko (YUM-O); baked some cupcakes
August 8th: my little nephew's christening
August 9th: went to the dentist
August 10th: stayed home (well, went to Michael's to pick up some frames. it's part of Mr. JB's anniversary present)
August 11th: stayed home and makde cupcakes with oreo frosting

In case you were wondering, I am now into making cupcakes. Mind you, I didn't say I was any good. But I still make them. For a while, I was making cupcakes like there was no tomorrow. Ha ha. Every week, there were cupcakes in the house. And then Mr. JB said to slow it down a bit cuz he didn't want to get more jelly. Okay okay, he didn't say that. He said to slow it down because he didn't want to get sick and tired of them. I said, fine. And then work got the best of me and I didn't bake for a long while.

Here are the pics of my cupcakes adventure.

(red velvet cupcake with cream cheese frosting and white cupcake with butter frosting)

(white cupcake with cookies and cream frosting)

Friday, May 14, 2010

WOW...It has been this long?

WOW...It has been this long since I last posted?

It's Friday May 14th. I have been staying home since Tuesday because I have been sick. I don't mean a cold/flu type of thing. I was under the weather, with pain and ache all over my body since Sunday. I had a hard time walking without being in pain. My entire body was so sensitive to touch. And my extremities were swollen. And I had a fever and was dealing with chills. Sigh. How it feels to be 30. =) But I am much better now. I just have some red cheeks and also had red blotches on my extremities. BUT I can't complain. I am not in pain as much as I was before.

I switched to UCSF and within a few weeks of seeing the rheumatologist, she was able to diagnose me and started me on some treatment. It was going good. And then she started me on another medicine. And within a week, I got sick. But we don't know if it's because of the medicine or if it's the disease flaring up.

I have to tell you that my family has been very supportive through out the entire thing. My mom came and visited me twice this week already in 3 days. She brought some foods. And Mr. JB? He's a sweetheart. He stayed home with me so that he can take care of me. He drove me to the dr's appt on Tuesday since I was in so much and knew I will have a hard time driving.

Overall, can't complain. Things can be a lot worst. I'm thankful for my health still and of course the peeps around me.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Did you miss me?

Hello My Lovelies..

Did you miss me? I sure did miss being on the blog. It has been so crazy!

First, I started work on November 30th. First week was okay. It was training. Then second week and on, it has been crazy. I had a few episodes of "I want to quit this job. It's not worth the stress." Ya de ya da. I hate talking about work so I won't anymore.

And then we got a new puppy on Christmas day. It's Brandon's little brother. His name is Brownie. We got him from my brother and sister in law. We weren't looking for a new dog. We were hoping to enjoy one daughter and one son for another few years until we get another dog. But on Christmas day, my brother insisted on taking Brownie home. There is a whole history behind Brownie. My brother and sister in law are really not responsible when it comes to pets. We got Brandon initially from them as well. They kept Brandon for a little bit and said that they can't take care of him anymore because he was too big for them. Why they decided to take Brownie (who supposedly had the same mom and dad) when their friend offered him is beyond me. You think they'd be smart enough to realize that Brownie will be big as Brandon when he gets older. Well, appearantly, they weren't that smart..cuz they took Brownie. And then, they kept Brownie outside. Their garage is full of items and they weren't letting him in the house either. So, he only had the little pathway (from the front gate to get to their house). Poor kid. Mind you, my niece and nephew are allergic to dogs and cats. So, seriously, why they decide to get a dog is beyond me. Brownie was their fourth dog -- I wonder why they are so eager to have something they are not supposed to have?

We spent New Year's Eve with my friends at the Carnelian room in SF. The view was fantastic! We had a great time. That night, we went to sleep at 3 a.m. but of course, we paid the price the next day when we couldn't get up at all. ha ha.

We lost Ben of Ben and Jerry a few days ago. Ben and Jerry are our goldfishes that we had since we moved to Sunset almost 3 years agao. Mr. JellyBelly flushed him down the toilet.

We got a new car in December. A prius. So far so good. I needed that car to drive to San Jose so that we are not filling up at the gas station every 2-3 days. I fill up about 3 times in two weeks. I think it's pretty good.

And I think the above mentioned are all that have been going on in my life. Nothing else is that exciting.